Learn about Calibrate Event Production

About Us

why calibrate?

We know your event is already good. We also know that event planning isn’t always easy and that finding perfection can be hard to accomplish. We are here to help you make those adjustments to bring your event to another level. Some of these adjustments may be as simple as fine tuning while others may be a much more comprehensive and collaborative effort to build your event from the ground up. 

We want to make the event planning process as easy as possible and also keep in mind how important the bottom line is for you. Every decision we make is based on those principles. We aspire to do this by focusing on these core ideas:


We build strong relationships with everyone involved in the event planning process – from volunteers to local police to tent vendors to caterers – you name it. We firmly believe that the more you treat everyone as a partner that they will, in return, take better care of the event and provide turnkey and positive results.


We are committed to making your event a success no matter what. We will deliver a safe, smooth, and successful event that exceeds your expectations.


We love events – all aspects of events. We are passionate about helping you reach your goals and creating a memorable experience for everyone involved.


We have built a regional group of adventurous independent contractors that are ready to be deployed when and wherever needed. They are eager to help make your event a success and brings experience to your event. Each team member becomes an extension of your mission.


We exist to help make our client’s lives easier. We make every decision and weigh every result based on how well it serves our clients and their mission, goals, and audience.


We create a long lasting and positive impression with our clients by helping you achieve your vision. When we focus and work together by collaborating as a team, we believe that anything is possible.


We build stronger relationships through our events that build stronger communities for our clients.


We focus on creating the best event possible while also remaining humble.